Undertones of Earth
——Liang Han Yun solo exhibition
at Chin Chin Pottery Gallery
Plants are taking the notations of earth,
Recording, producing,
fading away and regenerating,
again and again,
and again and again.
Memories of the human tribe,
of his and her and their stories,
saved in each little cell,
in the shape of leaf, flower, or seed
whispering in the breeze,
raindrop or twilight.
Mirrors the lives beneath and beyond,
from the land of earth.
“Undertones of Earth”(大地細語)是我透過在生活中累積對自然的感受與理解,透過土的燒製結合植物的創作,她企圖找尋與療癒我們與自然、土地的關係。延續過去的創作脈絡,以自然為靈感,在進入森林、採土的身體勞動過程裡與自我對話,從回憶、觀察、感官經驗中擷取元素,藉此探尋自然大地之於她的話語。邀請觀眾透過展覽,體驗與回溯個人與自然的經驗,進而思考自己與自然、土地的關係。
When I walk into nature, it feels like going home. Nature is my family, and they accompany me in different forms, which for me is difficult to describe in words.
This exhibition “Undertones of Earth” is a reflection of my feelings and understanding towards nature. By using clay firing and the combination of foraged natural materials to make works, I try to find our relationships between nature and earth. Elements of memories, observing things and sensory experiences are the inspirations from nature that triggers me to create. There are many internal dialogues when I go to the woods, collecting clay, and through these process of my physical moving body. I humbly welcome you to come and visit this exhibition to experience and recall your own personal experience with nature and to find your own connection and relationships with nature and earth.
Once I walked under a golden shower tree, and saw a seedpod thrusted into the land. Out of curiosity, I searched the information about golden shower tree, and found out her history of being imported as a strategic material during the time when Formosa (Taiwan) was ruled by Dutch period. Yet now, the golden shower tree is so common as street tree around southern Taiwan. Under different times, our relationships with the golden shower tree change from political aspects into daily life. On the other hand, from the prospect of the tree, growing, blooming, withering, budding, her process of living moments witnesses the history at the same time. One can see the seedpods of golden rain trees thrusted into chunks of fired clay in different angles. The image of the seedpods can be seen from both directions as descent and ascent that encourages people to think about the history of this specific introduced species to the land and the relationships between the land and themselves as well as the trees. Also, it shows the life process of the plant, the nature rule of life.
Take earth as a mirror, tree trunk on the land, with branches stretching, leaves waving, underneath is the root, spreading as far as the canopy; tree is companion, and land is the road back home.